Sunday, July 21, 2013

"About Last Night"

In our last episode I said I was going out for ice cream. Well it was a 'Hot' 'Hot' night let me tell ya. Folks were out all over town. 2:30 in the morning, and the streets we're alive.

Bikes zooming back, and forth. People sitting in the little parks we have around. Families sitting on the *stoops of their houses Neighbors sitting in beach chairs in front of their apartment buildings.

*("Stoops" are what folks in the Emerald City calls their front steps. It comes from when we were a Dutch colony.)

Anyway the delis were doing brisk business with the crowds. Ice cream soda sandwiches, and all the usual crap that gets sucked up  by the sweaty proles on hot steamy nights. 

Rolling papers were also going in interesting quantities. 

Plenty of young folks out glued to their various devices. No doubt texting their pals about the insane heat, and the happy mayhem on the post-midnight streets. 

Lots of folks sitting outside drinking iced tea, and chatting with their pals in assorted languages. Let's see I heard Spanish Creole French Yiddish Russian varieties of Arabic Chinese, and even some English...imagine that!

Yep I loves New York, and so it seems does the rest of the World!

I went walking under a few fire hydrant showers. Ain't done that in 20 or more years. Man that felt good! Thing is it was so hot. The wind was so 'hot' that I dried off in less that a block's walk.

That's hot like the sirocco the desert winds.

This heatwave is getting historic like that wild "thunder blizzard" we had a few years back. Climate Change is dealing us some weird, and interesting shit for sure.

Wrapped in hot winds walking through fire hydrant showers under a Big Orange Moon!

Yeah this is da Life!

No big fights this was a bit of a surprise. Lots of drunk 20 somethings piling out of the bars though. There was an atmosphere of good humor out there, and no I don't mean the ice cream pop.

Anyway I makes my way home. I take a shower turns on the A.C., and watches a chapter from "Person of Interest". This from the season one boxed set DVD.

I don't watch regular TV because of my job schedule. So I waits for the boxes to come out to see the stuff in a few go's.

Anyway there it was.

Stay Tuned.


  1. Well I spent my evening trying to shut off a smoke alarm that went hog wild for no reason. In my frenzied rush to put a stop to the horrible unbelievably penetrating noise that went on and on and on and unbearably ON forever, I got on a chair to pull out the motherfucker - and bashed my head on the door lintel! I already have tinnitus, so protracted exposure to the hidous banshee shrieking of the siren plus a nasty crack on the head have set my ears to ringing so I'll be lucky if I can get to sleep. The awful ringing in your ears can go on for weeks and weeks, as I have learned to my cost. A curse on those miserable made-in-China pieces of rubbish and the drooling paper-pushing cretinous regulators who inflict them on us!

    Glad you had a relatively pleasant night.


  2. I have a mild form of that ringing myself. Comes, and goes. Thank da G-ddess it mostly goes.
