Saturday, September 7, 2013

"The Faerie,..I mean Ferry"

Once again a short walkabout or sail-about the Emerald City. Yes the famed, and mostly ignored Staten Island Ferry.  Btw I'm getting more exercise during my retirement than I'd had in the last ten years at work.

Anyway the Ferry, and associated sights was fun, and the price was right too! Amazingly the damned thing is still free despite efforts to make it tourist cash cow. 

Bleep them greedy bastards. 

Now our Ferry in one form or another has been around since the Dutch were running City Hall. I don't have all the details handy so Google it. Suffice to say I'm glad it's still around. The Ferry is older than the Republic, but then so much is.

Ahhh, but the sea the wind the crying babies, and expensive hot dogs. You'd be proud of me. I resisted chowing down on dozens of nitrate filled "dogs". I also passed on drop kicking them screaming kids over the railing followed by their air-head parents.

I like kids house broke, and literate.

Other than than that the trip was swell. As I sez...the air the sun the sea the sights. All that swell jazz that makes one proud to be a Prole in the guts of the Emerald City.

These two Queer French guys asked me to take their picture with Manhattan in the background. Then this Nigerian guy, his first trip to town, asks me about our winters. He's never seen one. So I waxes poetic about that "Thunder Blizzard" we has a year or two ago.

He was amazed, and so was I at the time.

Next time I'll do Harlem..I think.


  1. Those photos are sublime - the light is positively ethereal - the angles and shots - magnificent!

    The picture with the sailboat - i want to be ON it!

    The picture taken on the ferry at nearly water-level - seasick!!

    Thankyou, much, Sidney, for a lovely tour (gods and idols how i miss NYC - almost as much as I miss hearin' you engineerin'.....).

  2. You're welcome comrade. In my new life I'm wandering around seeing the wonders of our Emerald City, and documenting it as I go. Glad ya likes it.

    Btw I'm still on the air doing the little program tune

    Bleep'em if they can't take a Joke!
