Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Post from the Past"

"New NYC Language"

Well actually I, and most of us have been hearing it for a while.


Like the speakers of "Spanglish" who easily flow back, and forth between English, and Spanish. There's now zillions of Islamic folks around town gleefully doing the same with Arabic, and English.

This especially seems to be heard, by me, in Brooklyn, deli's, and on the subway.

I was just getting a pastrami hero,..w/cheese on mayo. Yeah weird, but that's how I likes'em. Well okay the cheese is way over the top, and I do feel guilty about it.

'Course that won't stop me.

Anyway while watching some TV cop show being shot across the street I overheard the staff doing their linguistic acrobatics. Yet another addition to "New York Speak". The more the Merrier!

I <3 NY!

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