Saturday, September 7, 2013

"He Blinked"

Oh man..he did it. He Blinked. I can't believe it he blew it again. He finally shows some brass, and decides to go postal some somebody..ANYBODY! So what happens..he fuck'n blinks.

Just when he was all set to blow that mad house Syria to hell he backs down. That's it from now on he's Assad's Butt Boy. That's how it reads in the Islamic press from Rabat to Tehran.  It don't matter if he blows up the Middle East now. Even if he does he's still the bleeping wimp he always was.

Mind you I'd vote for him a third time if he can wangle it. Hey Bloomberg did it. Also yeah I wasn't too happy about getting into yet another war in that regional nut job zoo,...but still.

Stay tuned.


  1. I'm happy it turned out the way it did. Surely you're not suggesting we should have gotten into another ruinously expensive destructive murderous war just so Prezident Dronebomber can pretend to have some cojones?

    If he had the backbone of a your standard vertebrate, Obama would've given us a real health care system instead making a gift of every poverty-stricken citizen's personal finances to the bloated kleptocratic HMO insurance industry, with a big red silk ribbon and a cherry on top, purchased by yanking food from the mouths of hungry babes.

    Obama is a comprador president, a banana republic politician purchased by corporations that have colonized the United Stats like some Central American pox-pocket. I hate to break it to you, I really do, because I had high hopes for him once too. But that's the way looks to me at this point.

    I think the facts make it clear that there will be NO good political news at the national level, no sound or helpful policies being proposed or implemented from on high. There can and will be no FDR. At this point the system is devoted solely to maintaining its own existence, necessarily at the expense of the well-being of the people. We're on our own. The best we can hope for is when those in high places fail to make something bad happen, as in the present case.


  2. Yeah you're right we're pretty much fucked, but still. Just once I'd like to see that guy kick ass,...anybodies ass!

    As for social, and economic justice...forget it.

    Why do you think they let the Lotto get so big. It's like in Roman times when they freed a few slaves once a year to keep all the others from revolting. So today they let a handful of proles into the 1% with that lotto dough.

    At least till they squander their wad on bullshit, and insane investments.

    Man what a racket!
