Saturday, March 2, 2013

"It's a Barbie thing"

There's just something about them Barbies that captures the hearts of little girls, and certain Queers everywhere. It's hard to explain. Perhaps it's her impossible figure. One that would instantly kill an actual female. That or the fantasy other worldly reality that she inhabits. This with similar beings from a parallel mammalian evolutionary tree.

The thought just occurred to me.

What would the proto-Barbie look, and act like. The Barbie of pre-history still half covered with fur, and attacking prey with the sharpened thigh bones of wild hyenas.

Good grief.

Imagine the Xmas Holiday Cro-Magnon Barbie set. The box cover art would have Ken's head on a spike while in the foreground Barbie, and her little sister Skipper are wearing animal skins. They'd be in front of a fire eating something suspiciously bi-pedal.

I have a feeling that edition might only be for the serious collector, me.

But I digress.

So what's the deal with all this Barbie noise anyway. Well partly Queers like to play with dolls. Sorry that's just the dirty truth of it. Some stereotypes are based in quiet realities...this is for sure one of them. The other is like I say the other worldly aspect.

As had been said,..."I Want to be like Barbie because the Fucking Bitch has Everything!"

That's it in a nutshell the Bitch 'does' have everything. Had a look at her world of ill-gotten goodies lately. The little maniac is the Queen of her Universe! All dolls bow before her. Why? Who the bleep knows She's just Barbie, and what She wants she gets.

I think this appeals to our feeling that we've all been sentenced to a life of dreary crap. All that foul shit, and injustice that we have to swallow. Finally just for fucking once 'we' want to be the absolute total Empress of this bleeding shit hole called Reality.

'We' want all the damned toys, and selfless love pouring our way for a change. Just like that undeserving Barbie bitch has. Yep at last all the damned marbles in 'our' deep  pockets.

'Course I could be wrong. Perhaps unhealthy fantasies of cruel power, and material wealth ain't it. Maybe it's just because she's a cute mutant. Anyway I'm a dyed in the woolies doll fan, and a Barbie fruitcake for sure.

More after my meds kick in.

Stay tuned.

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