Thursday, July 12, 2012

"Eye of the Tiger"

There this should Butch it up. Gotta be careful with the Queer stuff,..Blogger hates it, and deletes at the drop of a dildo. Btw always loved them Flying Tiger guys. If ya got to blow somebody away it may as well be Nazis. I say that as a pacifist. Well a pragmatic one anyway.


  1. Sid, I always loved The Tigers too. On another note, I wish I still had this old book. It's called "Aerosphere." It had photos and descriptions of every airplane in production, or flying in the year of printing. Mine was dated 1942. Lot's of adds from airplane and engine companies too.

  2. Loves them Tigers too! Ah the wonder of flight!

    Which brings up a point.

    How did we make this miracle so boring, and or annoying. I mean you're just sitting in the middle of a crowded box hoping this hell will end so you can just get where you're going.

    Same with space flight the dream of the ages. All the astronauts are dull grey uninteresting shills of the war machine, and evil corporations.

    Give me a P-40 Toma-Hawk with big scary teeth any day!
