Sunday, May 5, 2013

My "Tink" figurine. I loves it, and all my other junk that I've managed to get hold of. After my adventure in the realms of the Houseless that is losing 90% of my stuff. I've in the gleeful years since filled my digs up with new crap.

This is starting to worry me. If I get houseless again what the bleep will I do with this stuff? Also if things stay cool what the bleep am I going to do with this stuff! 

So far it's manageable. My floors are still clear. The "stuff" is in boxes, and closets so my digs still look mostly the same as when I got there. Ya know I like an empty space. It's all that Zen noise I guess. However things are at a tipping point.

I get anymore junk, and I'm on my way to what them folks on that TV show are like. Ya know that one where they can't stop filling their place with trash. 5000 rolls of toilet paper every N.Y.Times ever printed, and 100,000 cans of dog food...opened.

Yeah I get sweaty thinking that over.

So maybe it's time for a purge. Go through them boxes, and dump or give away that last four years of stuff. Heck I don't even know what's in some of them things.

More as this mayhem develops.

...Bleep it I'm keeping Tink!

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