Saturday, February 25, 2017

"I LOVE IT!!!"

I'm woken up by the sound of a hard rain banging on my semi-open windows. Open because it's an insanely warm winter...yeah it's the continuing End of the World, so what.

What I love is what also woke me the hell up even though I was wearing ear plugs.

Was the gleeful sound of the insanely diverse gleeful 'Hood I survive in. It's Shabbos so deranged happy Hassidic Jews folks is walking down the street singing praises to the almost about any time now coming Messiah.

(...btw as a lad in this same 'hood I was a Shabbos Goy in good standing...never took the quarters they offered I was a nice sweet kid.)

Anyway this happy noise mixed with my pals the Haitians singing gawd know what for who knows what plus a bunch of Mexicans, and Dominicans yelling at each other on the's Friday night this is a tradition. 

Also as I looked out to watch.  There's parades some new comers. Young white families kicked out'a  Manhattan by the high rents on their way to "BAM"...Brooklyn Academy of Music. This for some typical stuck up hip crap they loves so much. Did I mention the Chinese Laotian Romanian Poles Sudanese Russians left over Puerto Ricans...most have since moved on to 'Jersey I think.

Did I mention our growing Lesbian, and Queer guy colony? A bunch in my building now. Ya know I knew shit was changing around here when them Rainbow flags started showing up in windows a few years ago. Tho' I think my "Rainbow" was the first. These joining the Israeli Jamaican Mexican Romanian my Star Trek banner, and all the cute others.  

There's all that, and folks like me. Old time Negro Yanks from the 1920's historic migration from the swell, and deadly South...which seems to be on some sort of insane, and lately violent come back.

Did I mention it's bleeping raining cows, and 1958 Fords on all this happy noise. Hey is the Emerald City cool or what?!
Damn I loves it here!

It's a frigging Trump voter's Nightmare!!!

Yeah them Nazi fucks is seeing the future of the glorious bleeping U.S. of A.!!! Your boy Trump, and his evil Minions can do all the temporary vile shit they want...history insists on moving on.

In 2010 more Technicolor babies were born than Pink ones. These little sweeties have been popping out ever since by the blessed metric ton!
Btw in about ten years or so these folks will be voting.


There ain't shit you can do about it. However don't worry. We ain't you. We're going to be far kinder patient loving, and generous more or less. Than you souls ever were to us.

So shut up, and have a Burrito.


Wow now there a giant wind happening! ...them folks is still out there singing too!  I tell ya is this a Great Country or what?!!

Stay tuned.

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