Friday, April 5, 2013

"Terror from Above!"

So I'm laying about my digs staring blankly at the walls as is my want when I suddenly hear screams of terror. I figure it's another domestic dispute. Hey it happens you've see episodes of "Cops".

Anyway the scenario is different this time. The screaming is mobile as in running. Aw crap! My sense of civil responsibility kicks in...always a mistake. Anyway I open my door, and see the lady from  the apartment above me running down the stairs. A gangster a literal second story or in this case fourth story man has come through her window.

Back story. Seems there's gangs of youths that are invading apartments by getting onto the roof then going down fire-escapes to force their way through windows for rape, and robbery.  They just busted one of these roving predator groups the other week. 

'But back to our story.

By now all the neighbors are out in the hallways to see what's up. The victim is being comforted by assorted folks, and she sez the Bad Guy is still in her rooms. Well that sells the woof tickets, and all the guys in the building head up there to kick ass. Eh me included. Hey I was just being neighborly.

We get up there, and hear the perp ransacking the lady's place. One of the young guys from downstairs bangs on the door. The Crook sez he has a gun! Great I can see myself as another iced 'good Samaritan' on the front page of the "Post".

Fortunately the cops were called, and are there in like five minutes. Reprived from a heroic front page spread I happily fade into the background.  Like I say the heat's on the look out for this sort of 'second story' thing. Anyway they shows up, and ask to use my window to cut the bad guy off at the fire-escape. 

I sez sure..hoping they don't notice all the gay porn, and drug paraphernalia hanging around. I keeps that stuff for laughs, and old times sake.  They don't notice a thing or they see this sorta stuff so often it doesn't register.

They heads up the escape, and see the bastard already climbing to the roof. After a  short chase they tackle, and cuffs the perp. Wow  just like on "Cops" racist heat bags black youth on run.  

Also just like on "Cops" the sociology is grim, and complicated. 

The bad guy is just some stupid kid, and the cops are just guys doing a dirty job. Fates made in hell. Our hero's lead the kid down the stairs from the roof the victim sees him becomes hysterical. Some of the young guys from the building make to do street justice, and are warned off by the heat. The whole sad circus then goes downtown where the dreaded "System" will take over.

So ends the high point of my day off last week.

Another back story. My building is clean, and safe..mostly kinda sorta. However this ain't bleeping Disneyland. So any of us can get whacked at anytime by anyone. That's just life in da Big City. Btw 'all' of our windows have security gates on them. If anything this taught us to use them. Most don't. They get left open especially when the weather is warm as it was on the fateful day.

So we must be prisoner in our homes.

Couldn't sleep that night or the next night. It was that awful feeling of violation that come with this jazz. Sure it wasn't me, but ya know the drill. Aw well.

Stay tuned.

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