Friday, June 8, 2012

"Old Fool"

I've thinking for a long while to just get on a train, and go somewhere. Maybe D.C. to spend the day at the Air, and space Museum or some such tourista noise. Well that or just go up to the mountains, and sit under a tree.

New Yorkers rarely do this sort of thing. We're stuck like bugs in amber within this giant machine of a city. It never occurs to us to leave,..even if we can.  

There's a bunch of stuff simmering in my neurons these days. I'm old enough to see the actual cycle of life, and death. Generations come, and they go. The Boomers are starting to go. Just as our folks did. The kids of our generation sons daughters or nieces, and nephews are more than grown. Good grief they're in the thirties now.

How the hell did that happen?!

One of my interns at the radio station, well she was an intern in 1998 which to me is two weeks ago. She's a big shot important lady now.  Anyhow her "baby", that's how I think of him. She called the other day, and said the little sweetie in now thirteen,...a man in many cultures. ...palm slap!

Amazing. I suppose what I have now is a natural sort of wisdom one gets simply by managing to stay alive past 60 or so.  Which btw I've done,..more than done. Aw man ain't we got fun.

Anyhow I need to take some time out to wander around somewhere, and eat summer ice cream.

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