Saturday, June 8, 2013


  1. These GI Joe types need a makeover, like on "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." Their fashion sense needs work. Probably they should study interior design too. Z.

  2. My dream was always for Wars to be like those re-enactor things. Everybody has a good time playing shoot'em up. Getting all that male nuttiness out of their systems...then they go home.


    As for fashion nothing will ever beat the duds worn during the Napoleonic era wars.

    Like Wellington said, at least in that movie, "...I like my officers well dressed for the enemy to admire."

    Makes sense to me.

  3. As a young boy the Mexican singer Luis Miguel used to perform in Napoleonic style outfits. They were sensational, with knee-high boots and hip-hugging silks and satins, and he looked fabulously sexy in them. Later when he switched to suits and ties it got very boring. I' d like to bring back Renaissance dress for men & boys too, especially the form-fitting linen hose.

