Saturday, June 22, 2013


Well the Comrades at my dear employer Wbai radio,, have gone on the warpath what with layoffs, and folks dropping dead all over the place.

The long expected re-organization of this nut-house is underway with much shedding of blood which is to say many pink slips flying about.

Think the last scenes from the "Titanic" movies.

Folks trampling babies to get a space on the overcrowded life boats. Yeah ya see who people really are when the shit hits the fan from both sides at once. 


Btw that's our logo for the staff's Facebook page. 

Our Union suggested we start one a while back, and now's a good a time as any. 'Make a swell t-shirt for sure.

Anyway here I am playing viola as the rest of the station band does "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida". This  as our ship slips beneath the radio waves. 

Is this the end of our '53 years' of getting on everyone's nerves,...not a chance.

You don't get rid of us that easy.

As the dead weight, and assorted reactionary commies get keel-hauled, and fed to the radio sharks I see opportunities for fun'n games. We'll see what happens when I chats with the head of the Foundation later this week.

Either I'm out on my butt or I'm sitting pretty.

Wish me luck.

Stay Tuned.


  1. I shall appeal to the Unconquerable Sun for your preservation. He's just had a birthday, and this will hopefully assure his good graces.


  2. Thanks cimrade. Hey I'll be okay..or I won't. Either way it's a hellava ride!

    June has been a thriller around here.

    First they stop paying us then a good comrade dies then a double suicide then they lay off the entire staff then they kinda change their minds then the U.S. Department of Labor kicks in, and come nose'n 'round.

    That, and we're in the middle of a move to our new place.

    If this ain't a summer action thrill ride flick I don't know what is!
