Thursday, June 13, 2013

"Tree of Life"

Well like I said I really insisted on being less miserable. least for a while. To that end I went wandering around town armed btw with unexpected tax return cash. After a time I found myself at that Japeanese used book store on West 44th street.

Anyway after digging through the trashy mangas, and assorted Nipponese cultural cast offs I had a look at their DVD cut out bins. It's amazing how quickly first run flicks end up in the five dollar box these days.

I picked up a few titles I never got around to seeing including "Tree of Life". I'd heard of it when it came out two three years back. I had a vague idea it was some sort of spiritual mumbo jumbo.


I've read reviews that said viewing this film "will change your life". 


Let's say 'moved'. Ya know I think the Angels set this up for me. I mean I'd pick the stuff I wanted, and was in the checkout line when I saw "Tree of Life" at the counter up on a stand.

Alright I love it you will too. Buy download or steal well don't steal it, but get it.

Stay tuned.

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