Friday, June 28, 2013

"Making Conversation"

Well I've been pretty nuts lately. Somewhat okay, but nuts. Must be the heat. Never was a summer person. Especially the New York heat which is humid, and tropical. Made all the worse by Climate Change.

Btw I hear out west they're having historic heat waves. Some places getting near 130f! Granted that's in Nevada where it's 90f in the winter, but still.

Anyway I'm mostly in the air conditioned comfort of my cute little apartment while I still have it. Even at that I'm getting cabin fever. I can't go out because of the heat, and when it's not 90f it chilly and raining,...Climate Change. So I just watch DVD boxed sets of series, and sleep.

I just got a Blue Ray player. I was in some store it was there I had a few bucks so bought it. Tiny thing it is too. I remember the first VCR's holy crap they were the size of a suitcase complicated, and only semi-reliable.

Still them things were the cat's Meow for near 20 years. Almost as good as drugs,...almost.

As for my future well not sure. The radio station I've worked for the past century or so is in financial reorganization. I may stay I may go.  If I go I'll probably travel. What with the $Zillions$ I'm supposed to get in severance.

Okay it ain't that much, but ya know.

Imagine a whole lifetime of work loyalty, and dedication ends. It's like the death of yet another loved one. Well like I say I'll travel, sleep, write, and build lots of scale models.

On the down side I hear about so many retired folks dropping dead after a year or two. The purpose of their lives gone they just slowly seize up, and kick the bucket.


Me I want to be cremated. I don't fancy the idea of being put in the ground all filled up with chemicals to make me look nice,...for who? That, and get dug up by some archeology grad student in 20,000 years who'll poke at my bones wonder at my bad teeth, and primitive digital implants.

Thank you no.

One thing though please make sure I'm for real really really "kicked the bucket" before anybody lights any fires. I'd hate for there to be a misunderstanding.  

On my immediate schedule I think I 'may' go the the straight-gay parade this year. I think it's 45 years or so since Stonewall. 90% of the folks marching this year weren't born when my pals were raising hell that night.

Still what with all the Court rulings letting the straight-gays marry, and have parties'n all maybe I should show up to represent the old goats that started this shebang.

I say "Straight-gay" because they are. 

The assimilationist bunch took the Queer Movement over after the worse of the AIDS Pandemic. They re-branded the revolution into something less threatening. My generation the Radical Movement had mostly died off. Those that were left didn't want to overthrown anything. They were orphans, and wanted to join society.

So they rebooted the scary Queer Revolution as the "We're just like you" movement. 

As opposed to the maniacs 'we' were that was saying "We want to blow up society! Blow it up bury it come back the next day, and blow it up again just to make sure!"

Granted not a media friendly way to put things, but then we weren't trying to be friends with a society they took great pleasure in torturing, and killing us.

Aw well,..amazing what 45 years can do. Revolutions never turn out the way you expect. Just ask Emma Goldman.

Did I mention ice cream?

Yeah a lot of that passing between my lips as opposed to other things. Oh, but back in the day....never mind.

Stay Tuned.


  1. Travel! You can go to Paris and stalk Charlie. I wanna go there before the Eurozone breaks up and the Louvre turns into a mosque.

    To avoid dropping dead upon retirement, I suggest you focus on queer art projects. Complete your great Chubb-inspired magnum opus. Make the Tower Bridge into a faerie tribe redoubt, with Godzilla for a guardian.

    I prefer cremation too, though not any sooner than I can help it.


  2. Yeah I'm thinking of doing a slam'bang Angel book.

    All the weird stuff I've held off on will be in it. As for Europe yeah. In fact my sister has been trying to get me to go there with her for a while now.

    She tried to get me to go to China when she was working on that video about my family.

    As for this abrupt likely retirement In some ways I'm relived.

    At last I can eat crap sleep late, and drink heavily!
