Saturday, December 21, 2013


I think I was a ballerina in an earlier life. Well that maybe a carpenter, a WW2 fighter pilot, and a 12th century peasant somewhere. That one involved goats, and lots of pigs I think. In 'all' these lives I was probably also some sort of Queer trouble maker.


  1. The creepy bit in the painting is that the mask has eyes and appears as alive and conscious as the dancer.

    BTW I saw your new ink drawing on Dragonfly. Good stuff!


  2. Hi "Z" happy Holidaze to you!

    As for the Mask it's a living character within the piece. As we know too well Art is funny that way.

    Thanks about the drawing over on "Dragonfly". However as I say there it's not all that inspired. It was more a project to see if I could still work...seems I can. We'll see what happens next.

