Friday, July 17, 2015

"Bob the Bunny" goes to the Beach

Our old pal "Bob the Bunny" (tm) went to Coney Island yesterday. Only to find to his surprise that no one was there. Well mostly no one.

The "Homeland Anxiety" guys in their dune buggies were driving around. Them, and the Park Police,...armed btw, were chilling on this slow day.
So there was folks with guns, and a few tourists from Sweden hanging around. The Swedes seemed to be collecting sand to prove to the folks at home that they did indeed walk the corroded contaminated sands of the Great Coney Island.

I wouldn't walk in the stuff without a Hazmat Suit.

Btw word to the wise. If you're coming to the Emerald City off days are best for pretty much 'everything' here in town. Well everything outside of the usual tourist traps.

Times Square Rocky Center crap like that.

Go to where 'we' live, and you'll be fine. Just not at night because you'll be robbed shot skinned butchered, and sold as cat food, and burger patties.

So...we understand each other.


Stay Tuned.

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