Wednesday, January 11, 2017


I always had the notion that not only was the Earth a cruel practical joke by G-d, but that's it's really flat made of pumpkin pie, and ruled by the Mice.

This makes as much sense, and is just as likely to be true as all that smart guy noise about Dark Matter, and the eventual Heat Death of the Universe.

This is why people don't like science.

However it doesn't explain demolition derby's. So strangely popular all over this newly Trumped republic.

Any way I'm off to my Shrink. This to find out why I'm still nuts. I also need a re-fill of those Meds that will kill me if I go into withdrawal from them. That alone is proof of Madness.

Stay Tuned. 


  1. That dark matter business just shows the science boys haven't the foggiest about the ultimate nature of the universe. There's no way to demonstrate that the modern worldview is epistemologically superior to the magical systems that preceded it. So I've been trying to work out my own cosmology. Here's some of what I've got so far:

    Beauty is the sign of another and higher order.

    The love of beauty originates in Eros.

    Erotic energy is the creative power of the universe.

    The dance of El Carpeta is the perpetual creation of the universe.

    I figure this is enough for some sacred art.


  2. I believe in science in the same way I believe in Angels, and fairies. By their works ye shall know them. Pretty much.

    "Can't see Angels nor electrons either. I'm satisfied that they're none the less out there doing their jobs.

    It's the Roman Catholic in me.

  3. Beauty is the sign of another and higher order.

    The love of beauty originates in Eros.

    Erotic energy is the creative power of the universe.

    The dance of El Carpeta is the perpetual creation of the universe.

    I figure this is enough for some sacred art.

    Comrade! This here is t-shirt material. Ya gonna be Rich!

    Btw as to that Sacred Order of yours...where do I sign up? Do we get cool hats...maybe a cape?

    Loves ya pal...keep it up.

  4. For a surfeit of philosophy, here's a little more.

    At the beginning of all things, first-born Eros emerged from the World Egg, begotten of Night and Chaos. With him light appeared.

    The universe is one great living being. Everything within it is alive and has consciousness, and all things and creatures within it are bound together in a great chain of being, their influences flowing from highest to lowest, and back up again. All within it is composed of these things: earth, air, fire, water, love and strife.

    I have a confession to make. None of these ideas is original with me. My sources are several: Hesiod, Roger Scruton, Neoplatonist philosophers, Wilhelm Reich, Carroll "Poke" Runyon, and Empedocles, to mention a few. The dance El Carpeta is the dance of Shiva, which both creates and destroys in perpetuity.

    But I think I've done OK. It took a long time and a lot of study to pull these ideas together, and the influences of predominant religion and politics do not make it particularly easy for us to do so. So this is probably about as good a cosmogony as I feel I'm likely to come up with. And as I said, it appears to provide a decent basis for art.

    Eros the creative power of the universe, and fireflower of the Chaldean Oracles - I dunno about funny hats, but I think I can manage a temple for these.


  5. You're doing great my friend.

    "Z" it's an Honor to know, and commune with you.
