Sunday, January 15, 2017


Yesterday it was 68f, and two days before that it was 18f. Now as I post Snow! What a bumpy ride this Winter has been. There are surprises yet to come. The Rise of Oceans the Fall of Glaciers Widening of Deserts!

What Glorious Pandemonium Climate Change has given the World!

I Savor every Moment of It!

Humanity will Crash with a Fire that will be seen at the Galactic Rim!

Stay Tuned.


  1. Well I've been drowning in rain at this end of the continent. Hafta say the gloom really depresses me. I can't wait to get back to the drought.


  2. Well winter never really happens here any more....nor Spring either. We have a sort of year long shity heatwave with a few breaks for shity tepid weather interspersed with bit of normal stuff like rain or snow.

    Me I just saty home with the blinds closed writing sleeping, and being emotionally unstable...ya know like everyone else.

    Hope the drought come back for you soon.

    Me I'm hoping for just one big Blizzard...I'd be happy with that.
