Monday, August 19, 2013

"Stumbling About Mid-town"

Don't get me wrong I likes Mid-Town as much as the next Queer. However every time I crawl home from them canyons I'm covered in some sort of micro-grim.

Whatever it is you itch, and burn. Sort of like an urban lime disease thing. Maybe there's some sort of semi-sentient nano-bug thing loose there that get's into your skin.

Wouldn't be surprised. Anyway I need to take a hot-hot shower, and scrub them little guys out'a me.  Yeeck.

Man this frigging 21st century sucks big time!

Mind you it beats the hell out of the profoundly evil witch burning slave holding, and scary as hell 15th 16th 17th centuries or anything before 1957 when Little Richard starting having hits!

Name two useless things to a Black guy,...a ticket to a Skinhead Heavy Metal concert, and a Time Machine. He'd get killed at one, and have pretty much nowhere to go with the other.

Believe me I know having been Black, and Queer for quite some time now.

However a 'short' jump say to last Wednesday with this weeks winning lotto numbers...that's another story.

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