Sunday, July 21, 2013

"Drop Dead in Venice"

What a romp through the wilds of Homoerotic repression, and despair. Christ's sake the kid was asking for it the damned flirt. 'But nawwww! The old guy has to repress the hell out of himself for society's sake...then drop dead.


What's wrong with this picture. What's wrong with old, and young love, and lust for heavens sakes. Btw the "Tadzio"character of "D.I.V." up there is currently within the legal age in Europe now.

Although the actor that played him now in his late 50's turned into a homophobe asshole. So ya never know. Anyway I would have done a re-write on this thing.

Open with the old professor spying the kid, and the kid noticing being noticed. Hey I was a Queer teen once, and knows the drill well.

Segue to a stroll by the canals, and them meeting, and yukking it up fine. They go to a bistro, and they eats'n drinks everything in sight. They retire the the old guys digs, and nature takes it gleeful course.

Que music,..curtain.

Everybody leaves the theater humming the theme song,..."Rock Around the Clock". Okay my version is short, but to the point. Don't waste ya time with bullshit life is damned too short for that. Get to the money shot, and have a ball!

"The End"


  1. Great rewrite - Doing It In Venice with a spectacular cumshot! Beatific post-coital sunset behind the closing credits. Very romantic, like it oughta be. Plus it'd drive the Church and all the critics crazy, which is also very worthwhile. A huge improvement on the original.


  2. Wait till ya reads my re-write of the "Priest, and the Acolyte"

    'Been meaning to hot up that Edwardian "Queers Commit Suicide" in the last chapter mess for years.

    Google the title if ya don't know it.

    A real tear jerker, but I'll fix that!

  3. This is really funny Sydney. Gotta hand it to you buddy.

  4. Sidney,
    Real nice re-write. One of these days we will be able to get to the "money shot". Science has already told us that we like it ... I mean the boys: Bruce Rind's Studies.
