Sunday, July 21, 2013

"This Guy's Asking for It!"

 "Hey pal I'd think twice about poking into the eternities if I was you."

Like I sez in the scary post below. Careful what you ask for because the Mulitiverse might slam you between the eyes with it.  Now I ain't saying don't be a spiritual person. Just watch ya back.

That realm is as fucked up as this one get it? Hey ya don't go fooling around a bleeping Nuclear Reactor right? Okay so have lots of Holy Water, and other useless items handy.  

Actually them talismans are all crap. They're mostly just for morale. Any real spiritual vet will tell ya that. If you go in you go in on your own,...remember that. That's no bullshit.

Ya needs to study all that ancient hocus-pocus stuff most of which is garbled static. Thank you Christianity. Do that, and learn from them that's been around who ain't nuts axe murderers fanatics or assorted charlatans.

On the other hand like most. You could just say ya prayers at night, and leave it at that.

Me I'm still poking about a bit.

Not officially or in any big way, but in there. You know the saying,...

"Some lose their Faith because Heaven shows them too little."

"Others because they're shown too much."

...naturally I'm somewhere in the middle of all that static.

Stay Tuned.

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