Saturday, August 30, 2014

"Just Fine"

I'm fine. No really. I've had my Meds I've slept for 12 hours,...and will probably sleep some more. I'll eventually eat something, and I'll be fine. 

Noisy outside. Folks are starting the mayhem for Labor Day, and the Big Annual Parade. I'll take some snaps, and post them.


It's a few hours later I may have spoken too soon...yucks again. Dizzy aches the usual drill. Well I have a major hospital thing on Wednesday. I'll get checked out then.

I think I just need to get out for a while. Been cooped up all week around here. Maybe I'll go for the end of season fire works at Coney Island. Yeah I'll stumble around there for the day...sounds the ticket.

Stay Tuned.


  1. Glad you're well rested. I'll have what Kozmic Kitty's having.

