Saturday, July 13, 2013

"Sign of the Times"

Old J.Edgar must be looking up from Hades in shock, and awe. A giant advert for his beloved secret police, aka the FBI with a nice Colored lady on it. Wow for an aging boomer this is a serious statement.

Sure anybody under 50 wouldn't look twice at this,..unless they was thinking of signing up. However for us Jim Crow, Cold War babies this is revolutionary stuff.

Not just that they're now letting us Colored into J. Edgar's army, but they're putting up giant posters in Herald Square proudly announcing it.

See back in the day The FBI was a white boy only far rightwing political police. Now they're just cops like they were supposed to be all along.

That's what I love about this saloon brawl we call America. Slow halfhearted progress, and mean spirited, dishonest compromise. Still after a fashion it seems to work,...for some.


  1. As a weirdo pervert artist, I'm sure I'll fit right. I'll get a special commendation for my naked Eros drawings. Z.

  2. Yeah I hear they have a whole department for tracking that stuff down. Your insight into the Idealist Romantic Pervert Artists mind would be invaluable.

    I'm thinking of joining up myself. Maybe get posted to Afghanistan where I can become a patron of Art of Bashi Boy Dancing. I shall spare no efforts in my investigation of this most interesting tradition.
