Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"Hot Meat"

No that's not the title of a 1950's sex paper-back pulp. It's the story of the Emerald City. Particularly for the last 20 days or so. We've been in a blistering heatwave for all that time.

Yeah it's that time. Old fans of my various pages know I go nuts, and post how much I hate the hot weather. It's become a tradition of sorts here in "Sydneyland".

Hey I can take a joke as well as the next prole, but give us a break! Fuck "Climate Change" would be a big seller as a t-shirt around here.

 Oh thank da G-ddess for air conditioning, and deodorant for with out these we'd be stinking like a giant dumpster outside a pig rendering plant.

Oh the poor piggies, and all the other animal we torture kill, and eat. Yeah I eats'em too, but I has bad moments about it. Also I hear that the Piggie people are sentient. Like dogs cats, and whales.

Yeah a bunch of bad moments thinking over our scary habits.

Speaking of bad moments I've never sweated so much in my life. What with the day time temps in the near 100f range, and at night no lower than 80f, and humid. This for the better part of a month. 

Okay you've got it worse out west, and for my Russian friends I hear you're burning up too.  Btw what do Russians drink to cool off,...please don't say Pepsi!

Is there a local drink over there that folks like when it's hot? Comment, and let me know.

Btw in terms of readers number one are folks here in the States then Russia, Germany The Netherlands last is the U.K., and Australia. Now, and then China or South Asia. Serbia sometimes, and assorted other happy lands from time to time.

However comrades in the U.S. of A., and Russia are my main readers.

How about that.

Maybe I should do some Russian stuff for my pals over there looking in. Yeah I'll cook something up for them. Meanwhile it's Arizona iced tea for me. 

It's brewed in Brooklyn so Three Cheers. for Local Business!!!

(I've lived in Brooklyn so 'no' I don't want to know what they're really putting in it. I'm just glad it's wet, and cold!)

I'll be right back.

Stay tuned.

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