Sunday, July 14, 2013

"From the Editor"

Alright so I have this "thing" for Faeries, and the Clavichord.  It's a victimless crime. Umm, a "Class-C" misdemeanor I think. Sort of like eating a whole box of cookies while on a couch watching something stupid on TV. 

Editors Note:

You may have noticed I've been posting at an insane rate for the last few daze. Hey sue me. Some of it is new, but a bunch from my archives from past blogs I did.  

You know how it is when you get stuff out of storage, and it all seems like new crap. It's swell! A great balm for writers block. Just post your old stuff. 

To new fans the material is all 'new', and to old comrades it a trip down memory lane,

Anyway loves ya all, and I'll be back in a day or two.

Be nice to each other.

*Almost forgot.

Hello to all my readers in Russia! There seems to bunch of you folks tuning in. Thanks!


  1. Faeries are great. Just ask George Macdonald, or Harry Hay. Me, I have a thing for the Harpsichord. Love the crisp dry sound of those plucked strings, played with fire by Ralph Kirkpatrick or Wanda Landowski.


    P.S. - I wish a few more readers besides me would give Sidney some responses. We don't want him to get lonely. Z.

  2. Hey Zaek, glad to oblige. All the more so when a Wanda Landowska lover makes the request. Don't sell George Malcolm short. He did a great interpretation of the Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue which almost equals that of Landowska.

    Hey Sidney! Hang in there.

  3. Yeah I wants my good, and loyal subjects to praise me, and carry me around in a sedan chair while semi-nude boy scouts spread rose pedals before me.

    That, and a New Orleans Jazz Band playing appropriate tunes as we go.

    Is that 'too' much to ask?

  4. I looked up the George Malcolm number on Yootube. Yep, it's good.

    The album that turned me on to the harpsichord was Kirkpatrick's take on Bach's English Suite no. 2. I still have the vinyl packed away, but - alas! - no turntable.

    Sidney, would the Preservation Hall Hazz Band suffice for your Queer Scout Parade?

